Dear Closed Toe Athletic Shoes,

I’m writing this letter to you to say goodbye. We’ve spent so much time together, doing everything from taking beautiful sunset strolls together to perusing the aisles of the grocery store, picking out the ingredients for a perfect dinner. We’ve traveled together, flying the friendly skies to visit my family.

In all honesty, my family didn’t really approve of you. I was sweating bullets showing you off and bragging about your best qualities. You see, I thought you made me feel comfortable, but the truth is, I felt smothered in your presence.

When I first moved to South Florida, I thought we were a match made in heaven. After moving from the frigid climate of upstate New York, I was thrilled to trade in my winter boots for a cute pair of athletic shoes. At the time, I didn’t realize how much you would cramp my style.

True, you were supportive and kinda cute, but I just felt like I couldn’t breathe. More literally, my feet couldn’t breathe. By now, you know darn well how hot and humid it gets here in the south, and my feet felt overheated in your presence.

When I hit up the local nail salon for a beautiful pedicure, I started avoiding you. You wouldn’t let me show off my immaculately groomed toes, and I began to resent you for it. As we’re both aware of by now, it was the beginning of the end.

Things really went downhill when I had surgery on my feet, and you became absolutely unbearable to wear. I had to hide you behind the sandals in the back of the closet because I wasn’t ready to part ways just yet, even though I knew deep down inside we weren’t right for eachother.

A deep sense of shame rises in my belly as I write this, but I began wearing sandals instead. I didn’t want to cheat on you, but you made me feel so bad. My sandals took advantage of my weakened state and offered me a small degree of comfort in my time of need, but the feeling was fleeting.

As it turned out, the sandals simply didn’t offer me the comfort and support I needed, so I turned to the internet. I know, I know, but I have to tell you the truth so you can better understand my decision. I found my solemates online when I searched for “open toe athletic shoes.”

For years, I’ve been secretly longing for a pair of open toe tennis shoes that offered me an abundance of comfort and support. I know this may sound shallow, but I also wanted my shoes to look exceptionally beautiful as well. I bought a pair of OpeToz®, and it was a match made in heaven. Even long after I recovered from surgery, my open toe walking shoes are there for me every day, and my friends and family constantly compliment them.

Thanks for all the good memories, but it’s time for me to send you away to the thrift store. I wish you the best, and I hope you find the perfect person.


Your Old Flame

Written by Ope Toz

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