Open Toe Sneakers: The Evolution of Open Toe Athletic Shoes

Ope Toz

When OpeToz founder Helen Ketcham had surgery on both feet, she didn’t know that she would come up with a revolutionary idea for a shoe line. While her feet were recovering, Ketcham couldn’t wear open toe shoes, but she had to work on her feet all day. Traditional sandals just don’t offer the comfort and support needed for standing and physical activity, so Ketcham came up with her own idea. Carefully cutting the toes out of her running shoes, she visited her local nail salon for a pedicure. Other guests flocked to her wanting to know where she found such...

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Open Toe Sneakers: When to Wear Our Open Toe Athletic Shoes

Ope Toz

Are you experiencing foot pain or swelling in your feet? Traditional shoes may feel incredibly uncomfortable when your feet are swollen or sore. When is it best to put your traditional footwear aside and slip on a pair of our open toe athletic shoes? Swollen Feet Women who spend most of the day on their feet might experience swelling at the end of the day, so our open toe athletic shoes are perfect for them. Unlike sandals and other open toe shoes, OpeToz provides plenty of comfort and support to last you throughout the day. Pregnant women are particularly vulnerable...

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