Why Do Our Toes Matter? Wisdom From The Open-Toed Athletic Shoe Experts

Ope Toz

You may think we’re trying to be goofy when we ask the question, “Why do we have toes?” But think about it for a second. Unlike monkeys, we can’t grab objects with our toes or hang from branches with them. And unlike other mammals, we don’t have claws on our toes to protect ourselves or attack prey. So why, then, do our feet split into five separate toes? Surprisingly, it’s not just so you have something to show off when you wear your OpeToz® open-toed athletic shoes. The Anatomy Of The Foot The foot and ankle contain 26 bones, 33...

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OpeToz® Are The Ideal Shoes For A Disney Vacation

Ope Toz

Family vacations - or even solo vacations, for that matter! - often involve copious amounts of walking around. You often find yourself thinking, “If I’m eating all of this junk food on vacation, at least I’m getting my steps in!” That’s certainly true, so long as you packed the right pair of walking shoes for vacation! Shoes Can Make Or Break Your Vacation For example, if you’re planning a vacation to a Disney theme park, or any theme park for that matter, one of the most important items to pack is a good pair of shoes. This can make or...

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Four Common Foot Conditions - And How OpeToz® Can Help!

Ope Toz

Sometimes, regardless of our age, we experience foot problems of some sort. These can range from serious to simply annoying, and many of us wonder how to find relief in our day to day life. That’s where OpeToz® open toe athletic shoes come in! While OpeToz are certainly not a substitute for a visit to the doctor’s office, if you are experiencing any of the common foot problems below, talk to your doctor to see if they think open-toed tennis shoes could help! Before we get started, don’t get too down on your feet. Those amazing hard workers have 33...

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Why I’m Leaving My High Heels For OpeToz®

Ope Toz

Dear High Heels, I’m writing to you today in hopes that we can part ways as peacefully as possible. Look, it’s not easy; I never look as good wearing a skirt as I do with you. Not only do you make my legs appear longer, you can transform a boring casual look into a chic work of art. Also, I love the way you make me walk. I delight in the graceful stride that causes me to sway my hips from side to side. I feel as if I stand up a little taller knowing I look so fabulous. You...

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OpeToz® Discusses Interesting Foot Facts

Ope Toz

Here at OpeToz®, we developed footwear with both style and comfort in mind. As a result of our studies, we’ve learned a variety of interesting facts about feet. Often, we take our feet for granted when they work so hard to carry us from point A to point B. In celebration of feet, we’ve created a list of interesting foot facts, so enjoy: Women Have Four Times as Many Foot Problems as Men Why are women so riddled with foot problems? Most men do not wear high heels or pointy-toed shoes, which result in a plethora of foot problems and...

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Take Care of Your Feet With OpeToz® and More

Ope Toz

Oftentimes, we simply don’t give our feet credit for all they do. Without our feet, we wouldn’t get very far. On a daily basis, our feet absorb so much impact as they take us where we’re going. After standing or walking for several hours, you most likely feel some swelling and pain in your feet. If your dogs are barking, it’s time to take better care of your feet and show them a little extra love. Here are some actions you can take to practice better foot care: Wash Them Daily Keep odor, bacteria and fungus at bay by washing...

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